The Pocket Guide to Machine Learning

These Lessons are organized in the order I recommend following them. However, each interactive lesson is a self-contained pocket guide. Previous lessons are never a pre-requisite, so feel free to skip around in the way you see fit.

Supervised Learning Guides

Supervised Learning refers to machine learning tasks where we have labelled data. I.e. we know what the target variable should be and can thus supervise the model by telling it if it is right or wrong. The model learns from our feedback (supervision).

Pocket Guide to Linear Regression

Pocket Guide to Logistic Regression

Probability and Statistics

Probability and Statistics play an important role in most machine learning algorithms. I find that understanding some basics helps build a lot of intuition to ML.

Pocket guide to MLE and MAP

Deep Learning

Neural Networks have stolen much of the show. Yet at their core. They are simple, I hope that with this guide, and playing with the visualizations, you are able to understand the mechanisms and how connecting basic elements we can build and simulate very complex systems.

Pocket guide to Deep Learning